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Thanks for the Support. Covid-19 Update


On Monday, July 27th we will reopen the new and improved Eclipse Kickboxing, Gracie Jiu Jitsu & Boxing centre.
Our decision to reopen follows the UK government announcement that gyms who adhere to strict health and safety guidelines are allowed to open for business.During Phase 1 we launched a full Zoom program with classes for all our members and it’s been going great! Now it’s time to begin Phase 2, by reopening our school for in-person, non-partnered classes based on the  modified class schedules. (Check out class schedules on FITSENSE APP)

During this phase, we will be implementing modified procedures, on and off the mat, in accordance with the recommendations made by the department of Public Health.

Students with any symptoms – including fever, coughing or sneezing – will not be admitted into the school. For everyone’s safety, your temperature will be taken by a staff member using a touchless thermometer, and if it’s higher than 37.5 Celsius you will be asked to return home.

Please read through all of the following modified procedures that we will be implementing to ensure the health and safety of our students.

Online Class Reservations
To ensure safe distancing, the number of students per class will be limited during Phase 2. Students will need to pre-register for each class using the Fitsense App reservation system in order to save your spot.

Class Participation Limitations:
Due to the limited class sizes, we ask that students not participate in more than 2  classes per week, per art, including students who are on “Unlimited Programs”

Follow these steps to make a reservation:

Check Schedule:
Download the Fitsense App and log in (use forgot password with your email we have on file if you need a password)
Links to Download on Mobile : ANDROID & IPHONE

Select a Class:
Select the class(es) you would like to reserve a spot in. You can reserve class spots up to 3 days in advance.

Waiting List:
If a class reaches capacity, you may join the waiting list for that class. In the event that someone cancels, you will automatically be added to the roster on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be notified via email.

4. Cancelling a Reservation:
You may cancel a reservation up to 6 hours prior to the class.
If you do not attend classes that are booked you may be blocked from attending future classes so please cancel classes you can not attend.

Troubleshooting: If you have trouble logging in, please confirm you are using the correct email (the one we sent this correspondence to), since it needs to be the same email address that your GU membership is tied to.
Still having issues then use the link HERE to send us an email and we will get you on.

Class Participation Limitations:
Due to the limited class sizes, we ask that students not participate in more than 2  classes per week, including students who are on “Unlimited Programs”

Touchless Check-in:
Please use membership cards or Fitsense App to check in.
Gracie Jiu Jitsu members will not need to pull out there cards as long as they book and scan in using the Fitsense App.

Changing Rooms Closed:
Students are required to arrive for class in uniform, and leave in uniform. Restrooms will be available if needed and limited to two people at a time but will be off limits otherwise, Feel free to bring a duffel bag or backpack to store your belongings during class. Showers will not be available during this phase.

Tuition Details:
Your current Membership Plan will remain the same and credit that you’ve accumulated during the closure period will be applied to your account starting August for most members. 

Solo Training
Initially, all classes will be conducted in solo form (no partners). We have already adapted our main training area to create individual training stations that are 2M apart. As soon as limited partnership of any kind (including partners from the same household) are authorized, we will notify you.

We have been teaching classes for solo participation via Zoom for the last month, and we have seen tremendous student progress! We look forward to be able to continue this format in person.

30 / 45-Minute Classes
Each class will be approximately 30 – 45 minutes in length.
Classes will begin with a mobility routine and then transition into the techniques of the day.
The techniques are the exact same as they would be in a typical class, except modified for solo practice. You’re going to love the classes!

Enhanced Sanitization Procedures
Students will be required to wash/sanitize hands before and after each class.
We’ve added additional sanitizing stations to make this possible.
Every personal training station will be sanitized before and after each class with cleaning solutions that are effective against COVID-19.
High traffic areas in the facility will receive extensive sanitation throughout each day.

Please bring your own water bottle to class.
The water bottle can be stored in your backpack or duffel bag. In the event you do use our in-house drinks machine please be sure to wash or sanitize your hands after usage.

One-way Foot Traffic
To optimize one-way foot traffic, there will be floor signs posted throughout the facility.

Face Coverings
All staff members will be wearing face coverings at all times. Students are required to wear face coverings throughout the facility.
During the actual training session, once you have reached your personal training station, you have the option to remove your face covering during practice.

Students are required to wear shoes/flip flops at all times throughout the facility. Footwear should be removed and stored at the edge of the mat, and then reapplied upon exiting the mat.

No Spectators + Lounge Closed
During this phase, we ask that there be no spectators in the facility.
The doors to the facility will be opened ten minutes prior to the class and only registered students will be allowed in. The spectator seating areas and the family lounge will be closed.
Siblings or younger children that are not training are not allowed in the facility unless parents have no choice, but please keep your child with you at all times.
Waiting for Classes
If you arrive early, you will be asked to maintain social distance (2m) from other students while waiting outside the facility and then upon entry in the main reception and in the area behind the large mat.

Limited Retail Sales
If you’d like to purchase gear or training equipment of any kind, please pay by card.

Limited In-person Staff Interactions
As always, our student services team is eager to answer any questions or to help you make changes to your membership. We ask, however, that rather than speaking to them in person in our lobby, you call 01902 428600 / email [email protected] or use our WhatsApp service for support.

Once again, we can’t emphasize enough how much your support has meant during these challenging times. We can’t wait to see you back on the mat, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Remember class sizes are limited, so don’t wait to make your reservations. Follow the steps above, and we’ll see you on the mat!

With Gratitude,

Fran Zuccala
Eclipse Kickboxing
Eclipse Gracie Jiu Jitsu
Eclipse Boxing
Eclipse KickBox Fit



Fran Zuccala

Thanks for the help

Julie Carter ( Clayton’s mom )

We will continue our payments as they are as Clayton loves attending jiu jitsu and we will continue our support through this tough time stay safe guys

Fran Zuccala

Thanks for the support Julie 🙂 Tell Clayton i’m missing his smile.

Fran Zuccala

Tell Clayton i’m missing his smile. Thanks for the support.

Julie carter (Claytons mom )

Clayton is missing everyone to, trying to train when we can as flat not that big, always have our support. Stay strong and stay safe guys

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